2019年8月13日 星期二

Couple serve up wedding breakfast - with a twist

豐盛的宴會包括鯛魚,鱸魚,牛,排骨和雞肉,還有素食主義者,無麩質食物和素食者 - 所有這些都是由多餘的食物製成的,否則這些食物將被運往垃圾桶。

夫婦提供婚禮早餐 - 扭曲

twist noun [ C ] (CHANGE)

The incident was the latest twist in the story of the robbery.
Walnuts give a new twist to regular banana bread.

pork 不見了

The lavish banquet included sea bream, sea bass, ox, pork ribs and chicken, with vegan, gluten-free and vegetarian diners also catered for – all created from surplus food that would otherwise have been destined for the rubbish bin.

2019年8月3日 星期六

Last Supper in Pompeii. The lost gastronomic world of ancient Rome

".illuminates a lost gastronomic world, bringing together frescoes, mosaics, sculptures and cooking vessels with a trove of oddities — from the humerus bone of a dormouse to chamber pots and carbonised pomegranates."
The Financial Times take a look at our new #LastSupperinPompeiiexhibition. (Login required, but registration is free.)