2012年5月31日 星期四

将棋名人戦: Fruit Roll Cake 咖哩牛肉 海鮮ちらし寿司(ずし)

Simple Fruit Roll Cake - Just A Pinch Recipe Club

www.justapinch.com/.../cak... - 頁庫存檔 - 翻譯這個網頁
 1 則評論 - 30分
Simple Fruit Roll Cake - I got this from a Japanese blog book and made some minor adjustments. This uses a 14x26cm silicon pan. If you're using one that is ...



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2012年5月11日 星期五

Tsukune (つくね?)Chicken meatball with 'enokidake' mushroom

Tsukune (つくね?) is a Japanese chicken meatball most often cooked yakitori style (but can be fried or baked) and sometimes covered in a sweet soy sauce or teriyaki sauce.


In general term, Tsukune means "kneaded with hand". A number of thickener are added to ground material such as beef, pork or fowl meat, and rarely fish meat. The mixture is kneaded or ground, and is molded into dumpling or meat stick.
It also refers to fish meatball, which is added to hot soup and called Tsumire-jiru (つみれ汁?), or fish ball soup. Tsukune is also enjoyed as Tsukune Nabe, a Japanese steamboat dish with numerous local varieties found in regions in Japan.
Traditionally. a fish fillet was ground using Suribachi (すり鉢(すりばち or 擂鉢) ?) grinding-bowl in Japan, but blenders are used in most homes recently.


Thickeners such as chicken egg, crushed yam or bread crumb, as well as seasonings including ground ginger root, salt or soy sauce are added after meat is mashed or minced finely. The mixture is shaped into dumplings and/or meat sticks.
To taste, finely chopped garden vegetables are mixed into the minced meat. Vegetables and herbs such as leek Negi (ねぎ?), beefsteak plant Aojiso (青紫蘇?) also called Oba (大葉?), and at times, chopped cartilage of fowl tori nankotsu (鶏軟骨?) may be added for crunchy taste.
Commonly, Tsukune is found in Oden (おでん or 田楽(でんがく)?), a Japanese stew consisting of several ingredients in a light dashi (出汁(だし)?) broth. There are regional varieties to both Oden and Tsumire-jiru.
Tsukune is not always prepared from farm animal meat only. Similarly, Tsumire (つみれ?) is not all the time cocked with fish meat either. Tsukune is matched with Tsumire, and they may be called generally as gan (丸(がん)?) meaning minced meat in round shape.


  • boil: Nabe (鍋物?), or a dish cooked at the table.
  • broil: Yakimono (焼き物?), broiled or char-broiled dishes, including barbecued meatball.
  • fry: Agemono (揚げ物?) or deep-fry.
  • stew: Tsuyumono (汁物(つゆもの) or 団子汁(だんごじる)?), or stewed with vegitable and herbs.

Seseri (left) and Tsukune (right)

Chicken meatball with enokidake mushroom (Photo by Katsumi Oyama)
Chicken meatball with enokidake mushroom (Photo by Katsumi Oyama)


JAPANESE HOME COOKING: Chicken meatball with 'enokidake' mushroom

May 10, 2012
Chicken meatball (“tsukune”) covered in sweet soy sauce is a favorite among young and old. But it can turn hard and dry when it cools.
Here, Yoko Munakata of the Better Home Association introduces tsukune that will stay moist and soft. The key is the ingredient to hold the mixture together–in this case grated potato–and the way you knead the mixture.
“The salt will make the meat stickier,” Munakata says.
First mix as if grabbing with your fingers, then mix about 20 times in a quick circular motion. Serves four.


300 grams ground chicken leg
1 bag (100 grams) enokidake mushroom
Piece of ginger (half the size of thumb)
1 medium-sized (100 gram) potato
Seasoning A (1/3 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp soy sauce, 1 Tbsp sake)
Seasoning B (1/2 Tbsp sugar, 1 Tbsp each of soy sauce, sake and sweet mirin sake)


Cut off root part of enokidake, then cut into length of 1 cm. Grate ginger without peeling. (Scrape off dirt with spoon if necessary.) Peel potato and grate with same grater so remaining ginger fiber can be used in full.
Mix meat and Seasoning A in bowl. Add ginger and potato with their juice. Knead until sticky and a mass is formed. Add enokidake.
Divide in 12 equal parts and form ovals that are 4-5 cm in diameter. Mixture is easier to handle with wet hands. Make dent in center to prevent tsukune from puffing up while cooking. Mix Seasoning B.
Heat 1 tsp cooking oil in frying pan, place six tsukune and cook for two minutes over medium heat until brown. Turn sides, put a lid on and cook for two-three more minutes and remove. They are done if clear juice flows out when poked with skewer. Add 1 tsp oil and cook remaining six.
Wipe oil in pan with paper towel. Return all tsukune, add Seasoning B. Cook for about two minutes over medium heat so sauce thickens and coats tsukune to give them a glaze.


From the vernacular Asahi Shimbun's Kashikoi Okazu column

2012年5月10日 星期四

square meal

 square meal

A substantial, nourishing meal.

A square meal


A substantial, nourishing meal.


It is frequently repeated, by tour guides and the like, that the expression 'a square meal' originated from the Royal Navy practice of serving meals on square wooden plates. Such plates did exist so that is a plausible story, but there's no other evidence to support it. In fact, the lateness of the first printed record (see below) pretty well rules this out as a credible theory. The Royal Navy's records and many thousands of ship's logs are still available and, if the phrase came from that source, it would surely have been recorded before the mid-19th century.
This 'square plate' theory is one of the best-known examples of folk-etymology. The phrase exists, the square plates exist, and two and two make five. To be more precise, what we have here is a back-formation. Someone hears the phrase 'square meal' and then invents a plausible story to fit it.
The word square has many meanings, including 'proper, honest, straightforward', and that's the meaning in 'square meal'. This isn't a rectilinear meal on right-angled crockery, but a good and satisfying meal.
The phrase is of US origin. All the early citations are from America, including this, the earliest print reference I have found - an advertisement for the Hope and Neptune restaurant, in the California newspaper The Mountain Democrat, November 1856:
"We can promise all who patronize us that they can always get a hearty welcome and 'square meal' at the 'Hope and Neptune. Oyster, chicken and game suppers prepared at short notice."
William Brohaugh, in the usually reliable 'English Through the Ages', dates the saying as having entered the language in 1840, although no supporting evidence is provided. There certainly was a spate of coinages of 'food words' in the USA around that date. The terms below all originated in the 1830s and 40s:
Chili con carne
Cottage cheese 
Tea cake
The use of 'square' to mean honest and straightforward goes back to at least the 16th century; for example, in 1591, in Robert Greene's Defence of Conny Catching:
"For feare of trouble I was fain to try my good hap at square play."
Soon after that, Shakespeare used it in Anthony and Cleopatra, 1606:
"She's a most triumphant Lady, if report be square to her."
Other phrases use the word with that same meaning, for example, 'fair and square', 'square play', square deal' etc. but these haven't had spurious derivations invented for them. Coincidentally, another phrase - the opposite of 'fair and square' - also has a false derivation relating to plates in the Royal Navy. The story goes like this. The square wooden plates that sailors received their food on had raised edges called 'fiddles'. If they took too much they were 'on the fiddle'. Perhaps 'story' is being too kind; invention might be more accurate. The evidence for the prosecution is:
- There is no record of the edges of sailors' plates having any name, let alone a fiddle. No dictionary I can find lists that meaning. 
- Despite searching high and low, I've not been able to find any citation of the phrase 'on the fiddle' from before the 20th century, apart from those that clearly mean 'playing the violin'. There are several old 'fiddle' phrases - 'fiddle faddle', '
fiddling while Rome burns', 'second fiddle' etc., but no 'on the fiddle'.
In support of the story there is - well, nothing. It's never possible to prove a negative so, if you hear that derivation from a tour guide and ask for evidence they might just provide it. Don't bet the mortgage on it though; you're more likely to spot Elvis playing tiddlywinks with Lord Lucan.
See other phrases and sayings from Shakespeare.
See other phrases that were coined in the USA.


消基會調查/三明治騙很大 7成內餡不充實

自由時報 - ‎1小時之前‎
〔記者楊久瑩、楊雅民/綜合報導〕三明治外表看來美味,內餡卻少得可憐!消基會近日針對十三款三明治進行評比,發現高達七成內餡不夠充實。整體而言,麵包店的三明治內容物最豐富,大型連鎖咖啡店的表現則最差;兄弟飯店的三明治則獲最佳評價。 消基會於五月初隨機至坊間 ...


聯合新聞網 - ‎4小時之前‎
近日不少民眾向消費者文教基金會抱怨市售三明治內夾食材越來越少。消基會最近到十三家商店隨機購買任一種三明治,經廿位義工評分,認為九件料太少;星巴克、丹堤咖啡的最差,卻最貴;兄弟飯店的最好。 日前有媒體報導市售三明治從「切面處」看起來料多充足,翻開吐司才 ...

消基會調查三明治 星巴克、丹堤差

聯合新聞網 - ‎7小時之前‎
這陣子有許多民眾打電話到消費者文教基金會,抱怨市售三明治內夾的料越來越少。消基會最近到13家商店隨機購買任一種三明治,經20位義工評分,認為9件 料太少;星巴克、丹堤咖啡的最差,但是卻最貴,兄弟飯店的最好。 消基會諷刺這些三明治賣相「騙很大」,「好料」只在切面 ...

三明治減料 消基會質疑騙很大

中央日報 - ‎8小時之前‎
萬物喊漲,三明治內容物減少,遭疑變相漲價。消費者文教基金會今天公布5月初評審13件三明治的結果,其中3家知名品牌被評為最差的3名,業者反駁評比不 客觀。 中央社10日報導,消基會今天召開「三明治賣相騙很大、好料=好少的料」記者會。 消基會說明,所購13件三明治,請20 ...


鉅亨網 - ‎13小時之前‎
油電雙漲以後,物價也跟著喊漲,消基會就發現,近來食品有換包裝趁機漲價情形,甚至還悄悄減少內容物,為了維護消費權益,消基會五月初針對坊間三明治內容物進行評比,發現價錢最高的星巴克法式烤火腿三明治和丹提咖啡法式三明治,內容物充實度表現最差,也減少消費者購買 ...

三明治騙很大! 大型連鎖咖啡店表現最差

自由時報 - ‎14小時之前‎
〔記者楊久瑩/台北報導〕三明治看來美味,打開內餡卻少得可憐!消基會近日針對13款三明治邀消費者進行評比,發現有高達7成內餡不夠充實被評定不及格, 整體來看,麵包店的三明治內容物表現最佳,大型連鎖咖啡店的表現則最差;經調查內容物表現最差的前三名分別是星巴克、 ...


鉅亨網 - ‎15小時之前‎

消基會:星巴克、萊爾富 三明治不充實

聯合新聞網 - ‎16小時之前‎
油電雙漲,物價也漲,就連三明治的內容物也跟著縮水。消基會今年5月初到麵包店、便利商店、咖啡店等通路,購買13件三明治,進行內容充實度評比,發現有 9件樣品的內容物充實度不滿60分,其中星巴克的法式烤火腿三明治、丹堤咖啡的法式三明治、萊爾富便利商店的龍蝦沙拉 ...


yam天空新聞 - ‎59分鐘之前‎
方便食用、容易攜帶的三明治,向來是上班族趕往辦公室打卡的早餐首選。不過消基會調查發現,部分市售三明治的價格與內容物不成正比,外觀包裝看起來材料飽滿充實,但實際拆開來細看,則是空空如也。消基會質疑,物價飆漲後,未調價的業者,可能以縮減用料來變相漲價,消費 ...


中時電子報 - ‎2小時之前‎

市售三明治 69%偷工減料

蘋果日報 - ‎3小時之前‎
【戴安瑋╱台北報導】連鎖咖啡店、超商三明治看來豐盛,打開來餡料竟未填滿。消基會昨公布十三件市售三明治評比結果,九件內容物偷工減料,比率高達六成九,知名連鎖咖啡店星巴克、丹堤及超商萊爾富的評比較差,其中星巴克法式烤火腿三明治每份售價五十五元,但內容物少, ...


軍事新聞網 - ‎6小時之前‎

2012年5月3日 星期四

Bento with mustard, soy sauce-flavored pork

JAPANESE HOME COOKING: Bento with mustard, soy sauce-flavored pork

photoA box lunch with mustard and soy-sauce flavored pork (Photo by Katsumi Oyama)
Time-saving tips appeal to most of us in fast-paced modern Japan. Yet we do not want to sacrifice taste or our health. Making packed lunches involves many time-saving techniques. Using just a frying pan, cooking expert Megumi Fujii whips up a colorful box lunch with pork, egg and vegetables.