2016年10月30日 星期日








2016年10月28日 星期五

“eat food.” not “food-like substances”

Soylent recently recalled its food bar (and we use the term “food” loosely here) after dozens of complaints emerged that the product was causing nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and other symptoms.
幾十個投訴出現了這產品是導致噁心, 腹瀉, 嘔吐, 和其他的症狀.
The Silicon Valley food fad may have a dark, upset underbelly—but its…

The company that manufactures the bars for Soylent insists that food-borne illness is not to blame, and that people may just be “intolerant” of one or another of the many processed ingredients in the bars. That may be, but as a recent piece in the New Yorker points out, Soylent’s unappealing taste and a few cases of gastrointestinal distress can’t compare to the wrongheadedness of the new food tech movement in general:
The problem with all this food-2.0 stuff isn’t that it sometimes tastes horrible but that it misses the mark on how our eating is evolving. The tech world approaches food from the perspective of engineering: a defined problem to be solved, with the right equations, formulas, compounds, and brainpower. Soylent was developed by its creator, Rob Rhinehart, to compress all the nutrition the human body needs to live into one single, easily digestible formula, like the twenty-first-century version of manna. But that is fundamentally the opposite of the way we increasingly want to eat in America and in much of the developed world.
When you look at the recent arc of food culture, the most significant food movement is the purposeful pushback against the postwar industrial food system, a system that was the food futurism of its day.
Several years ago, food author and slow-food advocate Michael Pollan advised us to “eat food.” That simple premise was meant to help us fish a healthy, nutritious diet from the sea of “food-like substances” that populate modern grocery stores shelves. It wasn’t a rebuke of the new flavor of Silicon Valley-funded food tech. But it may as well have been—nothing could be further from what someone is doing by ingesting a Soylent product (whose adherents have been known to describe themselves as “post-lunch”).
As it turns out, it might also be good advice if you’re looking to avoid a stomach ache.

2016年10月15日 星期六

Seven foods that could help ward off dementia. The link between avocados and crime

A black market for the green stuff
High demand for a fickle fruit is driving up theft and smuggling

BBC Radio 4
The science behind the 'miracle anti-dementia foods'.

2016年10月13日 星期四

Fondue:起司火鍋(法語:Fondue au fromage)

起司火鍋(法語:Fondue au fromage)是一種融漿火鍋(法語:Fondue,意指融化),做法是把起司煮溶,以麵包蘸來吃。瑞士盛產起司,當地的起司火鍋可以用多達五至六種的起司來做,種類十分多。瑞士的冬天既漫長又寒冷,一夥人圍著吃熱騰騰的起司火鍋,當然特別溫暖有氣氛。



A full cheese fondue set in Switzerland. Apart from pieces of bread to dip into the melted cheese, there are side servings of kirsch, raw garlic, pickled gherkinsonions, and olives.
kirsch (Kirsch is a fruit brandy).,未加工的大蒜,醃嫩黃瓜,洋蔥和橄欖
Fondue (/ˈfɒndj/ or /ˈfɒnd/;[1] French pronunciation: ​[fɔ̃dy]) is a SwissItalian, and French dish of melted cheese served in a communal pot (caquelon or fondue pot) over a chafing stand (réchaud) heated with a candle or spirit lamp, and eaten by dipping bread into the cheese using long-stemmed forks. It was promoted as a Swiss national dish by the Swiss Cheese Union (Schweizerische Käseunion) in the 1930s, and was popularized in North America in the 1960s.
Since the 1950s, the name "fondue" has been generalized to other dishes in which a food is dipped into a communal pot of liquid kept hot in a fondue pot: chocolate fondue, in which pieces of fruit or pastry are dipped into a melted chocolate mixture, and fondue bourguignonne, in which pieces of meat are cooked in hot oil or broth.


The word fondue is the feminine passive past participle of the French verb fondre ("to melt") used as a noun.[2] It is first attested in French in 1735, in Vincent la Chapelle's Cuisinier moderne,[3] and in English in 1878.[4]

They're pretty cheesed off.

The country's biggest dairy company is trying to counter stagnating sales.

2016年10月1日 星期六

Goji, Acai, Avocado, Chai 風靡德國的超級食物都是什麼鬼?



(德國之聲中文網)如果你在德國超市裡看到印有Goji Beeren和Matcha字樣的食品,沒錯,不用懷疑你的眼睛,這確實就是你所熟悉的枸杞和抹茶。它們通常會被擺放在有機食品的貨架附近,華麗麗地和奇異子(Chia Seed)、藜麥(Quinoa)、巴西莓(Acai Berry)及莧菜子(Amaranth)等食品一起籠罩在"超級食物(Superfood)"的光環下。

北威州消費者保護部的營養專家克勞森(Angela Clausen)一直在觀察這股近兩年來在德國刮起的"超級食物"風潮。她感嘆說,現在連德國日用品超市(如dm和Müller)裡都在大量出售這些食物,說明真的是非常流行。

專門研究食物和化妝品的市場調研公司信息資源(Information Resources,Inc.,簡稱IRI)今年早些時候指出,超級食物的風潮只增不減,尤其是奇異子、藜麥和莧菜子前所未有的熱門。以奇異子為例,2013年,德國共售出20千克奇異子。一年之後,這一數字就變成700千克,而2015年則猛增至66萬千克。神在何處? Deutschland Vegetarier vegetarischer Eintopf mit Sojawurst


她補充說,有調查顯示,多數德國人注重健康飲食,但是自己卻不願抽太多時間用於下廚烹飪,所以可以沖飲的粉類或者能開袋即食的"超級食物"正合其意。褒貶不一德國天然綠色食品和保健平連鎖店Reformhaus的董事普魯穆(Rainer Plum)認為,"超級食物"流行風不會轉瞬即逝,從中將發展成一種可持續的飲食風潮。他在接受德國《世界報》採訪時說:"這一風潮的背後潛藏著對自己身體和健康負責的基本觀念。而這一觀念正在影響越來越多的年輕人。"比如在Reformhaus裡購買"超級食物"的大部分顧客都不到40歲, Reformhaus如是說。

北威州消費者保護部的克勞森則對這股風潮的持續性表示懷疑,她告訴德國之聲,德國還曾流行過食用蘆薈和石榴,雖然現在還能看到相關產品,但是熱度已大不如從前。而且,她還指出,由於長途運輸,這種發達國家的流行風對壞境並沒有好處,也會對食品原產地居民的飲食價格和文化造成影響,如圍繞藜麥進行的國際貿易加劇了南美洲秘魯和玻利維亞等地居民的貧困,"另外,一旦風潮消逝,那些全力轉為種植熱門食物的農民必然會蒙受損失。" 使用我們的App ,閱讀文章更方便!yingyong@dingyue.info 發送一封空白電子郵件就能得到軟件和相關信息!閱讀每日時事通訊,天下大事一覽無餘!xinwen@dingyue.info 發送一封空白電子郵件就能完成訂閱!


Gojigoji berry or wolfberry is the fruit of Lycium barbarum (simplified Chinese宁夏枸杞traditional Chinese寧夏枸杞pinyinNíngxià gǒuqǐ) and Lycium chinense (pinyingǒuqǐ), two closely related species of boxthorn in the nightshade familySolanaceae. The family also includes the potatotomatoeggplantbelladonnachili pepper, and tobacco. The two species are native to Asia.[1]

The açaí palm (Portuguese: [aˌsaˈi]from Tupi-Guarani asaí;[2] Euterpe oleracea) is a species of palm tree in the genus Euterpe cultivated for its fruit and hearts of palm. Its name comes from the Portuguese adaptation of the Tupian word ïwaca'i, '[fruit that] cries or expels water'. Global demand for the fruit has expanded rapidly in recent years, and açaí is now cultivated for that purpose primarily. Euterpe edulis (juçara) is a closely related species which is now the primary source of hearts of palm[3]

阿薩伊果學名Euterpe oleracea),又稱巴西莓,是一種原產於巴西亞馬遜地區的棕櫚科植物。阿薩伊果的果實外表類似藍莓,可以食用。阿薩伊果的營養價值非常高,果實中含有豐富的多酚、鐵份、膳食纖維和鈣質等營養元素,經常用來生食、製作果汁或在沙拉中食用。近年世界的阿薩伊果需求迅速增加。成年阿薩伊果的高度可超過25米(82英尺),葉可長3米(9.8英尺)[1][2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
  2. ^ Euterpe oleracea. "Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations". [February 2, 2013].