Related to the lily, this underground bulb is prized around the world for the magic it makes in a multitude of dishes with its pungent flavor and odor. There are two main classifications of onion-green onions (also called scallions) and dry onions, which are simply mature onions with a juicy flesh covered with dry, papery skin. Dry onions come in a wide range of sizes, shapes and flavors. Among those that are mild flavored are the white or yellow Bermuda onion, available March through June; the larger, more spherical Spanish onion, which is usually yellow skinned (but can be white) and in season from August to May; and the red or Italian onion, which is available year-round. The stronger-flavored globe onions can have yellow, red or white skins. They can range from 1 to 4 inches in diameter and in flavor from mildly pungent to quite sharp. Among the special onion varieties are three exceedingly juicy specimens. The Maui onion, hailing-as its name implies-from the Hawaiian island of the same name, is sweet, mild and crisply moist. It can range in color from white to pale yellow and is usually shaped like a slightly flattened sphere. The Maui onion's season is from April to July. Vidalia onions are the namesake of Vidalia, Georgia, where they thrive. At their best, these large, pale yellow onions are exceedingly sweet and juicy. They're usually available from May through June only in the regions where grown or by mail order. The state of Washington is the source of Walla Walla onions, named after the city of the same name. Large, round and golden, they're in season from June to September but are usually available outside their growing area only by mail order. Oso Sweet onions hail from South America and, as their name suggests, are extremely succulent and sweet and, in fact, contain almost 50 percent more sugar than Vidalias. They're available in specialty produce markets from January through March. Another import is the Rio Sweet onion, which is predictably sweet and available from October through December. Tiny pearl onions are mild-flavored and about the size of a small marble. They can be cooked (and are often creamed) and served as a side dish or pickled and used as a condiment or garnish (as in the gibson cocktail). Boiling onions are about 1 inch in diameter and mildly flavored. They're cooked as a side dish, used in stews and pickled. When buying onions, choose those that are heavy for their size with dry, papery skins with no signs of spotting or moistness. Avoid onions with soft spots. Store in a cool, dry place with good air circulation for up to 2 months (depending on their condition when purchased). Humidity breeds spoilage in dry onions. Once cut, an onion should be tightly wrapped, refrigerated and used within 4 days. Most onions cause tearing (caused by sulfuric compounds) to some extent-some just watery eyes, others giant crocodile tears. Freezing the onion for 20 minutes before chopping helps, but then so does wearing safety goggles. Dried or freeze-dried onion by-products include onion powder (ground dehydrated onion), onion salt (onion powder and salt), onion flakes and onion flavoring cubes. Onions are also sold canned or pickled (usually pearl onions) and frozen (whole or chopped). Onions contain a fair amount of vitamin C with traces of other vitamins and minerals. See also chive; leek; scallion; shallot.

Onion (Allium cepa) (credit: Walter Chandoha)
偉大的洋蔥 (含食譜)
從來不知道 洋蔥 那麼偉大,討厭吃洋蔥嗎 ?
資料來源 :原著不詳, 摘錄自網路多篇文章再加本人心得匯集而成
圖片 : 網路蒐集
洋蔥含揮發油、氣體物質如硫醇、 二甲硫化物等,還含少量檸檬酸鹽、多種氨基酸、桂皮酸、咖啡酸
原本洋蔥不是台灣的本土農作物,野生環境中也沒有洋蔥 ;在日治時代,台灣所有的洋蔥都是由日本進口。直到民國元年
洋蔥比骨質酥鬆症的藥有效 家庭主婦不愛用洋蔥做菜,處理時會讓人流眼淚,很多人也怕洋蔥味。除非是手藝高超的洋蔥料理, 否則真的很難找到洋蔥的熱愛者。
研究人員讓雄性大白鼠每天吃一公克乾洋蔥,連續四週後,公白鼠的骨質平均增加了 13.5-18% 。另一組實驗則發現, 讓大白鼠 食用含有洋蔥的混合蔬菜,也能夠減少骨質流失問題。 第三組實驗則是讓摘除卵巢的雌性大白鼠每天吃 1.5公克的洋蔥, 結果骨質流失的速率減少了 25%。更值得注意的是, 洋蔥的保健功效在短短 12 小時內就看得到了。
研究人員認為,洋蔥的效果可能來自於「預防骨質流失」,因此想要利用洋蔥保健的人,每天可能要吃上 200-300公克( 10盎司)的洋蔥,才能夠預防骨質酥鬆症。醫食同源,在我們日常食物中,有很多蔬菜水果都具有藥物般的療效
據哈佛醫學院心臟科教授克多格爾威治博士指出,每天生吃半個洋蔥,或喝等量的洋蔥汁平均可增加心臟病人約 30%的 HDL含量( HDL為高密度脂蛋白膽固醇,一種被認為有助於預防動脈粥狀硬化的膽固醇,也是一種的好的膽固醇。
克多博士讓診所裡的心臟病人每天吃洋蔥,結果發現 洋蔥裡所含的化合物也能阻止血小板凝結,並加速血液凝塊溶解。 所以 當你享用高脂肪食物時,最好能搭配些許洋蔥,將有助於抵銷高脂肪食
洋蔥含有至少三種抗發炎的天然化學物質,可以治療哮喘 。由於洋蔥可以抑制組織胺的作用, 而組織胺正是一種會引起哮喘過敏症狀的化學物質 ;據德國的研究, 洋蔥可以使哮喘的發作機率降低一半左右。
很久以前,洋蔥就被用來治療糖尿病。到現代,醫學也證明洋蔥確實能夠降血糖而且不論生食或熟食, 都同樣有效果。 原來洋蔥裡有一種抗糖尿病的化合物,類似常用的降血糖劑-甲磺丁胺,具有刺激胰島素合成及釋放的作用 。
洋蔥的妙用還不止上述這些,在日常生活中,洋蔥還可用來防治失眠 :將切碎的洋蔥放置於枕邊,洋蔥特有的刺激成分,會發揮鎮靜神經
感冒的時候,喝加了洋蔥的熱味噌湯, 很快就可發汗退燒。如果鼻塞,以一小片洋蔥抵住鼻孔,洋蔥的刺激氣味
洋蔥是一般家庭普通的食物,用以炸、炒、煲湯都很可口,也可配以生果和蔬菜做沙拉,原來用作浸葡萄酒 (紅酒 ),更可治療很多常見的病。
材料: 洋蔥 2 個,紅葡萄酒 500 CC( 毫升) ,( 1瓶紅葡萄酒配三個洋蔥 )
二、將洋蔥裝入玻璃瓶內,加入紅葡萄酒, ( 將剝下來的外皮也一起加入效果更好 ) 。
三、將玻璃瓶蓋好密封,在陰涼地方放置約 2至 8 日 (個人覺得一周最好 )
四、 將玻璃瓶的洋蔥片,用濾網過濾後,洋蔥、酒分開裝入瓶中
一、 每日約一杯 (50 毫升 ),年紀大的人每次 20毫升左右。
三、 浸過酒的洋蔥片一起食用更好。
四、不喝酒的人,可用兩倍左右的開水稀釋後飲用或每次倒入電鍋內煮約 4 至5 分鐘,蒸發酒精後飲用。
五 . 若喜歡甜的,可加入一點蜂蜜。
看到這是否覺得很容易呢? 究竟又可以治那些病呢?其功效對膝蓋疼痛、白內障、老人痴呆的效果相當驚人 ,日本非常流行。
一、高血壓 患者,飲後血壓正常且安定,也會降低糖尿值,把血糖下降。
二、最妙的是 對老花眼也有很大的改善 ,飲用之後不用戴眼鏡也可以閱讀一般的周刊、雜誌。
四、每天夜晚醒後 一直到天亮都不能再入睡的,不食安眠藥不能入睡的 不眠症 ,飲用之後也會全消除。
五、 眼睛疲勞和模糊不清 ,喝了之後第二天就沒有問題了。
六、 對幾乎無法治療的 白尿症, 尿會混濁的喝了之後的也變得接近透明。
七、 經常肚子會脹,非常痛苦的便秘症 ,喝了之後第二天便恢復正常排便。
個人心得 :
古人云: 食補勝於藥補,是藥三分毒 ,我們何不利用這物美價廉的洋蔥來保健我們的身體。屏東為洋蔥的產區 ,每當三月洋蔥產季 (全年生,盛產期 2~ 4 月 ) 到南部旅遊 ,經過屏鵝公路時, 總會見到辛苦的農民在路旁賣著一袋袋的洋蔥,我們何不停下車來買一袋 ,既可照顧身體 ,又可幫助農民,何樂而不為呢 。因本人還蠻喜歡下廚 ,而洋蔥也是本人最愛的食物之一, 物美價廉。容易保存 ,無論生吃或是熟食都非常的美味, 所以為大家介紹幾種個人最常使用之簡易食用方法,希望大家會喜歡 :
A. 冬天吃火烤兩吃火鍋時 ,烤肉配生洋蔥非常的對味 ,鮮甜香脆又多汁的洋蔥可平衡肉類的油膩感又帶點微辣,與烤肉一起在口中咀嚼的那種美妙滋味 . 哇 ,真是絕配 !!
B. 吃膩了罐頭鮪魚 ? 只要加一些碎洋蔥 ,蒜末, 醬油( 中式) 或碎洋蔥 ,千島沙拉醬 (西式 ) 滋味立刻大不同, 用來配飯或夾土司都很好吃。
C. 在吃康師傅炒麵 (或其他乾泡麵) 時, 切一些洋蔥絲與乾麵一起沖泡,沖泡完的湯汁加上隨附的調味包即成鮮甜可口的蛋花湯 ,而乾麵因有洋蔥絲的加持也變得美味無比了 ,特別是 洋蔥絲那爽脆的口感只有親身試過, 才能體會。
材料:湯底 ( 四人份) 麵粉 , 奶油
主料: 洋蔥
1. 先煮湯底,二大匙麵粉( 一大匙 15 克) 配二大匙奶油(1:1) ;開慢火,放入二大匙奶油。
2. 化了後再分批加入二大匙麵粉,炒香後慢慢加入冷高湯四碗