波爾多的聖福瓦區,罕見生活在自己的莊園裡的中國主人茱莉婭·張。 Andrea Mantovani for The New York Times
對於中國人的入侵 ,法國最著名葡萄酒區之一波爾多瀰漫著一股焦慮情緒。一些當地人認為,改變歷史悠久的酒莊名稱是一種大膽而無禮的做法。著名作家菲利浦·索萊爾斯甚至給波爾多市長寫信,公開對此表示譴責。
2019年4月8日 星期一
2019年4月2日 星期二
Cuban Honey.
Cuban Honey. The bees of the Province of Santiago de Cuba feast on the flowers of the coffee and cocoa plants, as well as other wild flowers, giving the honey a rich almost smoky flavor. Honey production in Cuba is not easy. The typical apiarists set-up of hives and netting and smoke do not exist.Cuban Honey - Cubano CubaCubano Cuba
Cuba's wild vegetation keeps bees well nourished so they produce high-quality honey
Sep 20, 2018 - ALBERTO QUESADA loads a flatbed lorry in a field in the middle of the night for a two-hour drive to the dense mangrove swamps on the Gulf of ...
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