2011年6月10日 星期五

banana split


Banana Split
Banana Split
What's in a banana split? Well, obviously you start with a banana. Split it in half and lay it in an oblong dish. On top of it, plop three scoops of ice cream — traditionally, chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. On one scoop, pour pineapple sauce; on one, chocolate syrup; and on the third, butterscotch topping. Top it all off with whipped cream, crushed nuts and a maraschino cherry. Voilá! Banana split! There are a few people and places that take credit for the tasty dessert. Some say it was born at a soda fountain in a drugstore in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, in 1904, and cost 10 cents. Wilmington, Ohio, also likes to take credit, and to celebrate, they have an annual Banana Split Festival June 10-11. It's not particularly good for your waistline, but it's a lot of fun!


"I doubt whether the world holds for any one a more soul-stirring surprise than the first adventure with ice-cream." Heywood Broun
