2011年5月21日 星期六

談「懷疑一切」"De omnibus dubitandum"


筆記:談「懷疑一切」"De omnibus dubitandum"

De omnibus dubitandum. (You must have doubts about everything). ---Marx's favourite motto. -- 【懐疑主義 ( かいぎしゅぎ scepticism, skepticism)

馬克思最喜愛的箴言:「懷疑一切。」 "De omnibus dubitandum. "

(" You must have doubts about everything." 意味は「 Everything should be

doubted (全てに疑念を持つ べきである)」)

[ ] 戴維 ‧麥克萊倫(David McLellan )『卡爾‧馬克思傳』(第 3 版),王珍譯,北京;人民大學出版社出版,2005 p.430 )。


( "Introduction to Philosophy --Study Questions for Final Exam" 問了一系列的哲學考題:http://www.homestead.com/mscourses/files/spring04finalstudyQ.htm

其中第 31-4題為:(希望這篇「多少」能解答第 34問題)

  1. What were the elements in Hegel's philosophy that Soren Kierkegaard found unacceptable?
  2. What was the original title for Kierkegaard's short novel Johannes Climacus?
  3. How is Johannes described at the beginning of the novel Johannes Climacus?
  4. What is meant by de omnibus dubitandum est? )


"De omnibus dubitandum." - Rene Descartes

這當然要談一下笛卡爾將許多預設懷疑之、擺開來的方法,不過他的目的是證明物理世界可以用數學來描述。( 17世紀中)

"…..However, Descartes maintained that the Scriptures were true. This would appear to make a divide between different kinds of truth. How did Descartes, after all, come to know the veracity of the Scriptures? Why were the Scriptures not the object of his scrutiny? His explanation for not appealing to an a priori acceptance of Scripture is that it would appear to unbelievers to be a circular argument. This might make it appear that his "method" was solely for unbelievers. Whether Descartes' nod to Scripture was also designed to satisfy the Church, I cannot say….."


羅素在 1914年之作品

10)Cf. Russell, Our Know1edge of the External World as a Field for Sceintific Method in Philosophy(London; G. Allen & Unwin, 1914), pp.70-72.

 【中文翻譯本北京商務,約 1995

「知識の確からしさの程度」にかんしてラッセルは,1914年に発表した『外界にかんするわれわれの知識』 10)において,デカルトの "de omnibus dubitandum" の方法を用いて,この世で最も確かな知識は何であろうかという問の答として,知識の確からしさと疑わしさの程度をきめている。それによれば,心身ともに健康な人ならその確からしさを疑いえないような所与を 硬い所与」(hard data)と名付けている。


這也是祈克果 Søren Kierkegaard 1842 之作品:英文本: Kierkegaard's Writings, VII: Philosophical Fragments, or a Fragment of Philosophy/Johannes Climacus, or De omnibus dubitandum est. -- 這,有人說是小說。 (Two books in one volume) Edited and translated by Edna H. Hong and Howard V. Hong


參考 D. Anthony Storm's Commentary On Kierkegaard - Johannes Climacus
Johannes Climacus, or De omnibus dubitandum est. A Narrative;



Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil:


他主要說形上學家固然知道『懷疑一切』這句話,不過他們的基本信仰是相信: the faith in antithetical values.p.16 , Penguine

