重讀2014年轉貼的此菜單,可以多談些。那是1975年3月23日"淫雨天" ,"樂而不淫齋"主人---- 牟復禮(Frederick W. Mote,1922年-2005年)和夫人陳效蘭 (主廚),從《金瓶梅》裏的食物選出一桌,宴請慶祝周策縱先生的《五四運動史》 (The May Fourth Movement — Tse-tung Chow | Harvard University Press_)
2016.8.2 找一下網站:
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Corrections:謝謝孫教授的更正。她說她是22道菜單的書寫者,料理者是牟復禮(Frederick W. Mote,1922年-2005年)夫人陳效蘭女士。
Kang-i Sun Chang
Thank you for posting a short note (小记) about me and Luo Wen-sen! I really appreciate it. But there is an error concerning the 金瓶梅大餐 in1975. 22 courses for the dinner were prepared by Mrs.Mote (I.e., 陳效兰) although I was the calligrapher who wrote down the recipe .
Kang-i Sun Chang This is the 菜单 for our Jin Ping Mei dinner in 1975. I wrote it down in front of all the guests that day. Lucy Loh gave me the courage to do that!
Hanching Chung. Thank you for posting a short note (小记) about me and Luo Wen-sen! I really appreciate it. But there is an error concerning the 金瓶梅大餐 in1975. The 22 courses for the dinner were prepared by Mrs.Mote (I.e., 陳效兰) although I was the calligrapher who wrote down the recipe .
Corrections:謝謝孫教授的更正。她說她是22道菜單的書寫者,料理者是牟復禮(Frederick W. Mote,1922年-2005年)夫人陳效蘭女士。
Kang-i Sun Chang
Thank you for posting a short note (小记) about me and Luo Wen-sen! I really appreciate it. But there is an error concerning the 金瓶梅大餐 in1975. 22 courses for the dinner were prepared by Mrs.Mote (I.e., 陳效兰) although I was the calligrapher who wrote down the recipe .
Kang-i Sun Chang This is the 菜单 for our Jin Ping Mei dinner in 1975. I wrote it down in front of all the guests that day. Lucy Loh gave me the courage to do that!
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