2017年1月29日 星期日


烤棉花糖巧克力夾心餅(S’mores)是一種歷久不衰的美國露營點心。S’more是「some more」的縮寫,因為棉花糖和巧克力加在一起的甜美滋味,讓這種點心贏得了「some more」 (還要)的可愛名稱。據說這種點心最早是由美國女童軍發明的,後來大為流行,成為一款不敗的人氣點心,現在甚至還出了s’mores口味的早餐穀片、冰淇淋、和咖啡奶精。只要有火,有材料,就可以做出這道經典點心。如果想要把棉花糖烤得微焦,秘訣就是讓棉花糖距離火源15公分左右,然後邊烤邊轉。 #HappyNewYear #CookWithAIT
S’mores are an iconic American camping dessert. It’s chocolaty-marshmallowy goodness earned it the name, “some more.” Said to have been created by the Girl Scouts of America, s’mores have spread so much in popularity that we now have breakfast cereals, ice cream flavors, and even flavored cream for coffee with the s’more flavor. It is easy to make as long as you have a fire and the ingredients. If you want the golden brown color, all you have to do is hold the marshmallow about 15 cm away from the flame and spin it slowly.
